Thanksgiving is approaching and we're getting excited about your visit!
Here are some pictures and information that you might like to see:
Here's a map of how to find our place:
This OLD plot map shows our lot(s). Our home is on our upper lot. (We now own lots 9, 10 & 11)
Here's a view of the house as you drive in the driveway:
Here's the floor plan so you can orient yourself when you view the upcoming photos!
You come in thru our 'temporary deck' at the Green Door!
One of the main differences between this visit and any other Thanksgiving you've ever had is that we don't have electricity!
If you looked closely, you might have noticed some wheels near the right edge of the photo. That apparatus, the scaffolding is down now -
Thanks goodness! We used it to finish staining the upper front windows, and the electrician used to hang our ceiling fan.
We're assuming that Maria will stay in our downstairs guest bedroom. It has a double bed and a door that closes.
However, it can be a cool room, so we've got a heavy quilt on the bed and a small electric heater in the room.
However, we'll only be able to run the heater when the generator is on.
Jody and Steph will have a choice of either of two queen-sized beds upstairs.
Their other option is to use the queen-sized futon. It folds open and has a great view of Mt. Shasta:
We are SO looking forward to all of us being together:
Because of the dirt in our yard and the unfinished decking, we recommend NOT wearing white.
Please let us know of any food likes/dislikes. If you eat breakfast (we will!), let us know what kind of juice you like, etc.
One question we have concerns our cat Ribs. We've been bringing him up with us:
See you soon!
Much love, Mom and Dad / Kathy and Dave